Sunday 15 May 2011

20 Magento Themes with Extra jQuery Features

Today we’re happy to share a small Magento hit list which includes originally designed Magento themes enhanced with some flexible and efficient jQuery features. New eCommerce projects keep emerging all over the web at the speed of sound. So, if you are going to start a new online store we think that you should check out our 20 Magento themes that we’ve featured below. Of course you have heard about jQuery plugins and now you can get a Magento template with some useful plugin.

Friday 22 April 2011

Why Use CSS Instead Of Tables

There are extensive arguments to using CSS rather than designing and using tables to layout a website. The main reasons why you should be using Cascading Style Sheets in my opininion are:
  1. Cascading Style Sheets allow for a flexible fully controllable website, you can modify the layout of a site with one file. This is cost effective in a commercial perspective.
  2. A website that uses CSS allows you to reduce the amount of core code found in your templates, using CSS instead of tables gives you faster loading websites.
  3. One of the major plus points to using CSS is for "Accessible" websites. The creation of a website using CSS masters over a table based non user friendly site
  4. Using CSS you can seperate the layout from the content improving code to content and improving your chances in the search engines

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Sunday 3 April 2011

Brand New Facebook Templates Launched at TemplateMonster Read more about Template Monster Blog - Part 4 by

There is just no need to say that Facebook is a high-profile and most visited social network that has a huge influence on our lives. Joining this promising medium is currently an essential marketing effort for all businesses from around the world, and now you can also have a nicely designed custom brand page on Facebook – TemplateMonster starts offering premium quality Facebook Templates. These website design templates were developed specifically for website owners who would like to join the Facebook community and make their online project easily known by its means.

Monday 14 March 2011

Contact world leading website design company for following Graphic Design Services:

Contact world leading website design company for following Graphic Design Services:
Logo Design , Banner Design, Graphic Design, Flyer Design, Newsletter Design, CD Cover Design, Magazine Design
Illustration Design, Cartoon Design, Corporate Identity Design, HTML Newsletter Design, Business Card Design,
Advertisement Design, Flex Design, Hoarding Design.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Top Web Designs

Tim Berners-Lee published what is considered to be the first website in August 1991.[3] Berners-Lee was the first to combine Internet communication (which had been carrying email and the Usenet for decades) with hypertext (which had also been around for decades, but limited to browsing information stored on a single computer, such as interactive CD-ROM design). Websites are written in a markup language called HTML, and early versions of HTML were very basic, only giving a website's basic structure (headings and paragraphs), and the ability to link using hypertext. This was new and different from existing forms of communication - users could easily navigate to other pages by following hyperlinks from page to page.

As the Web and web design progressed, the markup language changed to become more complex and flexible, giving the ability to add objects like images and tables to a page. Features like tables, which were originally intended to be used to display tabular information, were soon subverted for use as invisible layout devices. With the advent of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), table-based layout is commonly regarded as outdated. Database integration technologies such as server-side scripting and design standards like W3C further changed and enhanced the way the Web is made. As times change, websites are changing the code on the inside and visual design on the outside with ever-evolving programs and utilities.

With the progression of the Web, tens of thousands of web design companies have been established around the world to serve the growing demand for such work. As with much of the information technology industry, many web design companies have been established in technology parks in the developing world as well as many Western design companies setting up offices in countries such as India, Romania, and Russia to take advantage of the relatively lower labor rates found in such countries.